Sthira Sukham to Zero Balancing

Sthira Sukham to Zero Balancing

Enhancing relationship between body energy and body structure is immensely important to achieve and maintain good body posture for healthy body and mind, less stress and pain, explains Dr. Pratyush Mishra
Megalithic Trails of Astronomy

Megalithic Trails of Astronomy

Nilurallu in Mehbubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh bears witness to prehistoric ideas of meticulous astronomical calculation. Dr. Maheswar Bahubalendra Singh
The Agarwood

The Agarwood

The product of a microbial fungal infection, agarwood is actually a fragrant, dark, resinous wood formed in the heartwood of trees of the genus Aquilaria.
Jhuna: The Yakshadhoopa

Jhuna: The Yakshadhoopa

Since ancient times, the Oleo-resin collected from Sal tree is widely used for its healing properties and mood lifting fragrance, explains, Dr. Pradosh Samal 
Rasa: The Domain of Taste

Rasa: The Domain of Taste

Throughout the evolution of mankind and civilization, rasa played a vital role in developing cognitive features and continues to do so. Rasas add much needed aesthetics to one’s otherwise mundane existence, explores Dr. Pratyush Mishra

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